Mice in the garden, if you spray this liquid they will disappear after a few hours

Natural Essential Oil Repellent


  • Essential oils: peppermint, lemongrass, or eucalyptus
  • Cotton balls (optional)


  1. Select Your Essential Oil: Choose from peppermint, lemongrass, or eucalyptus oil based on your preference. These oils are known for their mouse-repelling properties.
  2. Application Method 1: Directly dab a few drops of the essential oil in areas where mice are frequent visitors, such as entry points, corners of the garden, or near food sources.
  3. Application Method 2: Soak cotton balls in your chosen essential oil and place them strategically around the garden and potential entry points into your home. The scent will deter mice from entering the treated areas.
  4. Regular Reapplication: Essential oils tend to evaporate or wash away over time. Reapply the oil or replace the cotton balls every few days or after a heavy rain to maintain the repellent’s effectiveness.

Vinegar and Spice Mixture Repellent


  • 1 cup of vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of chili powder or chopped chili peppers
  • Spray bottle


  1. Prepare the Mixture: In a spray bottle, combine 1 cup of vinegar with 1 tablespoon of chili powder or chopped chili peppers. Shake well to ensure the ingredients are fully mixed.
  2. Spray Liberally: Apply the mixture around your garden, focusing on areas where mice are likely to enter or have been spotted. The strong odor of vinegar and chili will repel the mice.
  3. Consistent Application: For the best results, spray the mixture several times a day, especially in the early morning and late evening when mice are more active. The frequency of application is crucial to keep the mice at bay.
  4. Safety Note: While this mixture is safe for humans and pets, it’s advisable to avoid spraying directly on plants that could be sensitive to vinegar or spices.

Key Tips for Success

  • Consistency Is Crucial: Regular application of these natural repellents is essential for maintaining an environment that’s unwelcoming to mice.
  • Monitor and Adjust: Pay attention to the effectiveness of your chosen method and be prepared to switch ingredients or methods if necessary.
  • Maintain Garden Hygiene: Eliminate potential food sources and hiding places for mice by keeping your garden clean and tidy.

By following these expanded instructions, you can create a safer and more pleasant outdoor space free from the nuisance of mice.

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